Monday, February 6, 2017

February 2017 Kizomba Dancing in Seattle

Here are the events for February: 
Feb 3 - First Fly Friday at West Hall with Drop in lesson at 9 Dance 10p-1:30a (Cover $16, Dance Only $10) with DJ Emanuel Sakaita Nasser and DJ Farenji
Feb 4 - Ewe at Salsa N Seattle Dance Studio with drop in lesson with Eddy Vents 9-10pm and then 10pm - 3am with Dj Pingusso, DJ Farenji and DJ Guelas (Cover $25, $15 Dance Only)
Feb 9 - 2nd Thursday at West Hall 9:30 - 1:00a (Cover $9) with DJ Jay
Feb 11 - Kizomba room at the Hugs and Kizzes MicroFusion Practica and Social at ExitSpace 8pm to 12am (Cover $7) DJs Nicholas Bass and Farenji
Feb 11 - 2nd Saturday at 9pm, Lake Chad Cafe (msg Nephew or FB @KizombaSOUL) 
Feb 18 - 3rd Saturday Late Night at West Hall 11p - 1:30a (Cover $7, $13 joint cover with All Vinyl Salsa in Main Ballroom) with DJ Isaias Chamorro 
**Feb 23 - NO 4th Thursday this month.
Feb 25 - 4th Saturday at 9pm, Lake Chad Cafe (msg Nephew or FB @KizombaSOUL)

* Weekly Practica on Mondays Please check the facebook group page for location and time. The location for Feb. and Mar. is in Renton (contact Vicente Spencer)
* Kizomba 1 with Frances & Jay on Thursdays Feb 12 thru Feb Feb 9 from 8:00 - 9:00pm; Kizomba 2 will be the next session starting Feb 23
* Kizomba on Wednesdays at 7pm and 8pm in Salsa N Seattle with Mario and Genia with a weekly practica following. 
* Kizomba Semi-Privates with Dennis (contact Dennis Richards directly)
* Weekly Kizomba class, Tuesday evenings (msg Nephew or FB @KizombaSOUL) 

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