Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Kizomba Nov/Dec in Seattle

Our last big event with Kwenda Lima in Seattle was a huge success! Thanks for much for everyone's support and participation! Its impossible to write down everything that we shared that weekend. Its safe to say though, that it made a big impact. I'm glad I took a chance to reach out and bring Kwenda here to Seattle. Its been almost a month since then and in that time our wonderful summer has switched off and Seattle's grey fall/winter is now in full force.

The biggest news is that Kizomba will be taught at the Seattle Salsa Congress this year and I will be teaching it! The congress will be offering a bachata/kizomba room and there will be a kizomba class in the evenings from 7-8pm Friday through Sunday. I can't tell you how excited I am to share kizomba in such a setting - how cool is that?

Class at Century continues with the November Series currently in session until Thanksgiving week (last class on 11/21)

Ana Antunes will be hosting her once a month kizomba series on November 19th.

First Friday Dance on December 7th at East Hall is up next.

There will be no class series in December, instead, a Kizomba Lab on Musicality and Debugging Saida's will be held on December 16th. Register now through www.centuryballroom.com

Last Friday Social is still on but please check the Kizomba Seattle page for more details on that.

I hope to see you out dancing In between holiday preps and celebrations!

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