Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spreading the Kizomba Love

Joao and Mafalda
I am overwhelmed by this weekend's success!

The workshops with Joao N Rocha and Mafalda Amador were so much fun. I had a blast meeting so many people who are excited about kizomba: a sensual and lovely connected dance from Angola. There was so much I learned: about the dance, about the people that love the dance, about what makes the connection between lead and follow so sweet.

This is a repeat if you're on the facebook page but its worth repeating. Thanks so much to:
  • Joao and Mafalda: great teachers, wonderful dancers who shared their knowledge, energy and passion (so much fun!)
  • Carlos Cinta and Carla Poma who took a chance and brought Joao and Mafalda to the US to spread kizomba love.
  • Century Ballroom (Hallie, Alison) for taking a chance and supporting kizomba in its infancy
  • Ana Antunes for planting the seeds that started it all, sharing her love and passion for the dance 
  • The small but kizomba-crazy group that have been practicing at Studio J (you know who you are)
  • And ofcourse, to everyone who attended and supported this fun-filled weekend and played a part in  growing the kizomba family here in Seattle (and beyond).

You can see more pictures on the Kizomba Seattle page. 

Here is a picture from Saturday's workshops.
Here is a picture from Sunday's workshops.

1 comment:

  1. It was a really great workshop. I especially loved the hugging (and breathing!) part in the beginning...felt so nice to just embrace everyone, and then it really did work into a better feeling with the dance. Brilliant!
