Saturday, June 2, 2012

Weekly Tuesday Kiozmba Practica Starts June 4th!

Breaking news! We now have enough interest to start a weekly practice night for Kizomba.

Its been such a joy so see how kizomba has brought together a wonderful group of people. Our community is warm and generous. Everyone is excited to learn, share and most of all, dance! Its a gift to see how things have developed and continue to grow. Y'all ROCK!!!

Please thank Jack Ramsdell for volunteering to kick start this weekly event and get things going and to the folks  that are pioneers in starting and contributing to this weekly event. 

Its exciting to see a dance scene grow! Years from now you can tell some newbie kizomba dancer how you remember when the 1st kizomba weekly practica was announced on June 1, 2012.  ;)